
Passwort vergessen?


Returns details of one or more monitors registered.

Authentication & Action

This method needs authentication. It can be accessed by http and https.

Action type: HTTP GET.


id (not required)

The id or id's of one or more monitors. Id's should be comma-seperated if more than one.

group_id (not required)

The id or id's of one or more groups. Id's should be comma-seperated if more than one.

protocol (not required)

The protocol of the monitor. Allowed values: http / https / ping / ftp

status (not required)

The status of the monitor. Allowed values: 1 = enabled / 0 = disabled

frequence (not required)

The frequence between two checks, in minutes. Allowed values: 1 / 2 / 3 / 6

page (not required)

The pagenumber of returned data. Allowed values: any integer

perpage (not required)

The max. number of monitors returned. Allowed values: any integer. The maximum value is 100.

If no arguments are send, all monitors will be returned.

Example Request

Example Response

<rsp status="ok" total="1" page="1" perpage="10">
   <monitor id="111" group_id="0" status="0" frequence="2">
      <name>My Monitor</name>
      <url protocol="http"></url>
      <match contain="1">Server OK</match>
      <stations total="5" add_stations="1">
         <station id="2">Los Angeles</station>
         <station id="3">Nagano</station>
         <station id="4">Kuala Lumpur</station>
         <station id="8">Washington</station>
         <station id="10">Dallas</station>
         <header>x-myOwnHeader: myValue</header>
      <group id="1202">My group name</group> 
      <created>2009-03-04 10:05:57</created>    
      <modified>2009-03-17 07:57:59</modified>