
Passwort vergessen?


Returns last status of one or more cron's.

Authentication & Action

This method needs authentication. It can be accessed by http and https.

Action type: HTTP GET.


id (optional)

The id or id's of one or more cron's. Id's should be comma-seperated if more than one.

group_id (optional)

The id or id's of one or more groups. Id's should be comma-seperated if more than one.

name (optional)

The name of the cron. Allowed values: string (255)

status (optional)

The status of the cron. Allowed values: 1 = enabled / 0 = disabled

time_out (optional)

The time-out of the cron, in seconds. Allowed values: 30 / 180 / 600 / 1800 / 3600

one_off (optional)

show one-off cron's or not. Allowed values: 1 = show / 0 = don't show

page (optional)

The pagenumber of returned data. Allowed values: any integer

perpage (optional)

The max. number of cron logs returned. Allowed values: any integer. The maximum value is 100. Default value is 10


If no arguments are send, all last logs of all cron's will be returned.

Example Request,29124

Example Response

<rsp status="ok" total="2" page="1" perpage="10">
   <cron id="29123" name="myCron-1" error="0" status="200" date="2011-08-29 11:00:01" duration="0.6"/>
   <cron id="29124" name="myCron-2"/>

If a cron has not been launched during the past 7 days, it appears without error, status, date and duration values (as above with id=29124). Since we only keep logs of last 7 days, we can't show older responses.